This project (2020-1-PL-KA202-082075) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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The Psych.E:In. project presented at European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

The Psych.E:In. project presented at European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

On 6 - 7 October 2023 Bessy Karagianni, recently appointed as representative of the Association of Greek Psychologists in the EFPA Task Force on Crisis, Disaster and trauma Psychology (EFPA: European Federation of Psychologists' Associations), had a presentation of the Psych.E.In. project during a delegates' meeting. Information about the project was also published on the EFPA Magazine.



“Psychological First Aid” Webinars

“Psychological First Aid” Webinars

EMDR Europe and EMDR Armenia, Psych.E.In. Associate partners, through the collaboration with Serena Zucchi from EMDR Italy, organized two webinars addressed to the colleagues of EMDR Armenia and to other emergency rescuers. Almost 300 participants attended the webinars entitled after “Psychological First Aid” on 22nd and 29th October 2023. Contents and tools of the webinars were extracted from the Psych.E.In project deliverables, the MOOCs and the Toolkits.


Psych.E.In. project recognized as Good Practice

Psych.E.In. project recognized as Good Practice

The Polish National Agency, in charge of the assessment and the evaluation of the Psych.E.In. project, recognized it as a Good Practice at European level. To be counted among the good practices by the National Agencies means contributing to the development of the programming of future calls and being taken as a model for the quality of the results pursued.

“Not a full mind but… a beautiful number of linked minds”

“Not a full mind but… a beautiful number of linked minds”

“Not a full mind but… a beautiful number of linked minds”: this was the name of the Multiplier Event organized by IAAP – Institut Alfred Adler de Paris on 21 January 2023. Participants were informed about the main results of the Psych.E.In. project. In particular the outputs produced – MOOCs, Toolkits and Case Studies – were described in detail. Furthermore, participants were provided with an Attendance Certificate. 

Fifth Transnational Meeting

Fifth Transnational Meeting

The fifth meeting took place on 16 – 17 January 2022 at Jan Kochanowski University premises in Kielce (Poland). During the fifth meeting, the European project partners evaluated the final version of the 3 Intellectual Outputs produced and presented the Multiplier Events carried out at national level. Furthermore, the European project partners discussed about how to guarantee the future sustainability of the project. 

Presentazione degli Intellectual Outputs - EMDR' Multiplier Event

Presentazione degli Intellectual Outputs - EMDR' Multiplier Event

On 10 December 2022 EMDR Italia organized in Milan its Multiplier Event entitled after “Presentazione degli Intellectual Outputs”. Several speeches were held during the Multiplier Event. In particular, Stefania Sacchezzin presented the topic “Caring for the rescuer: prevention and treatment of vicarious trauma”, Giada Maslovarich introduced the topic: “Accompaniment of traumatic bereavement” and Serena Zucchi described the main tools produced in the framework of the Psych.E.In. project. 

Fourth Transnational Meeting

Fourth Transnational Meeting

The fourth meeting took place on 24 – 25 November 2022 at Association of Clinical Psychologists premises in Pardubice (Czech Republic). During the fourth meeting, the European project partners finalized the second Intellectual Output, the Toolkits addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and VET trainers. In addition, the European project partners discussed about the preliminary version of the third Intellectual Outputs, the Collection of Case Studies and Best Practices addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and VET trainers.

Good Practices

Good Practices

The Psych.E.In. consortium has been identifying a collection of Good Practices. They are further examples of model of interventions and training in Psychological Early Intervention. They are available at the following link: They can be identified through a selection of keywords highlighting the different intervention methods / approaches presented, stage of recovery, symptomatology, and crises events. On the other hand, they have been collected in separate documents and translated into the project languages. 

Psychological Early Intervention in Emergency Situations - Greek Multiplier Event

Psychological Early Intervention in Emergency Situations - Greek Multiplier Event

On 12 November 2022, Institute of Group Analysis Athens organized in Athens the Multiplier Event entitled after “Psychological Early Intervention in Emergency Situations”. The contents of the discussion were focused on the themes of the Psych.E.In project. Additionally, three themes of the project were developed more specifically: empathy, reflective practice and intervention with refugees. After each presentation there was a vivid discussion in response to many questions about theory, method, techniques, different settings and targets, and different phases in an emergency situation. 

Psychologická První Pomoc - Czech Multiplier EVent

Psychologická První Pomoc - Czech Multiplier EVent

On 14 October 2022 the Association of Clinical Psychologists of the Czech Republic and the Department of Psychology from Palacký University organized in Olomouc (Czech Republic) the Multiplier Event entitled after “Psychologická První Pomoc”. 55 onsite participants and 33 online participants could learn about the Psych.E.In. project. Experts from Italy, Greece, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic introduced the participants to the background of the project and the application of some approaches in practice.

Conference on

Conference on "Urgency in Psychotherapy"

“Urgency in Psychotherapy”: this is the title of the speech that Serena Zucchi from EMDR Italia had during the Conference organized by “Psicologia Individuale A. Adler” on 7 October 2022. The name of the conference was “Emergency Time”. The event aimed at offering a space for discussion and clinical reflection on the topic of emergency management in psychology. The Psych.E.In. project was mentioned as best practice providing tools for the psychological emergency management. 

Case Studies’ Collection

Case Studies’ Collection

The Collection of Case Studies aims to develop description of multiplier intervention methods and approaches in Psychological Early Intervention applied to multiplier settings. The Case Studies illustrate expertise and models in which each learner could recognize the specificity of the intervention according to the needs of the victim of a critical event. The Case Studies Collection 1 is targeted to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts and is focused on model of interventions. The Case Studies Collection 2 is targeted to trainers' psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts and is focused on training and courses in Psychological Early Intervention based on different models. Collection of Case Studies is available here:

Toolkit 2 is now available

Toolkit 2 is now available

The final version of Toolkit 2, produced in the framework of the Psych.E.In. project, is now available. This toolkit is aimed at offering emergency management skills to Psychological Early Intervention coordinators, facilitators and VET trainers. Roles, protocols, briefing and debriefing activities to support teams are crucial tools to manage emergency settings complexity due to number of victims, rescues and institutions involved. Toolkit 2 consists of 12 Learning Units. Each one presents activities to practice before and after the intervention in the acute phase. Toolkit 2 is available for registered participants at the following link:

Toolkit 1 is now available

Toolkit 1 is now available

The final version of the Toolkit 1, produced in the framework of the Psych.E.In. project, is now available. Toolkit 1 is aimed at psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts involved in emergency interventions supporting their personal resilience and offering clinical tools for Early Psychological Interventions. The objective of this training is to accompany them to find inner balance and calm through effective reconnection to oneself and to others, taking into account priority needs. Toolkit 1 consists of 12 Learning Units. Each one presents activities to practice before and after the intervention in the acute phase. Toolkit 1 is available for registered participants at the following link:   

Psych.E.In. Training Activity

Psych.E.In. Training Activity

The Training Activity of the Psych.E.In. project took place in Milan between 29 May and 1 June 2022. The Training Activity, hosted by EMDR Italy, represented a joint learning and an exchange between the participants on Psychological Early Interventions e-learning VET trainings developed in the project. All project partners participated in the Training Activity, deepening the Intellectual Outputs contents and testing them through participatory evaluation methods.

Psych.E.In. Online Training

Psych.E.In. Online Training

An online training course entitled after “Early Psychological Intervention: models and approaches in the three phases of crisis” took place from 29 to 31 May 2022. The event, organized by EMDR Italy, was part of the Psych.E.In. project and was open to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts interested in improving competence about psychological interventions in emergency. 

Meeting of the Scientific Committee

Meeting of the Scientific Committee

A meeting of the Psych.E.In. scientific committee took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 2March 2022. During the scientific committee meeting, the European project partners discussed about the progresses related to the translation – in national languages – of the contents produced in the framework of IO1 – MOOCs. In addition, the European project partners verified the state of art related to the production of the second Intellectual Output, the 2 Toolkits. 

Production of Toolkits

Production of Toolkits

Psych.E.In. project partners are currently working to the production of the second intellectual output: 2 toolkits providing two different training skills portfolio. Toolkit 1 aims to describe and to offer soft skills to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, helping them to prevent burn out. Toolkit 2 aims to offer coordination skills in Psychological Early Intervention management. 

Psych.E.In. MOOCs are now available

Psych.E.In. MOOCs are now available

The 2 Massive Open Online Courses are now ready. The contents of each MOOC are structured in Learning Units: for each Unit, learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, skills, competences, tips, and case studies. The final version, integrated by the feedbacks received during the audits organized by each project partner, is available at the following link:


MOOCs: Final Check

MOOCs: Final Check

The project partners are jointly working to implement all the necessary changes, integrations and improvements to the MOOCs on the basis of the feedback received by the representative of the target users (i.e. expert psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, as well as VET trainers in the field of psychology). The updated version of the MOOC will be available in the related section of the Psych.E.In website at the end of November.


Third transnational meeting

Third transnational meeting

The third meeting took place on 27 – 28 November 2021 at Institute of Group Analysis premises in Athens (Greece). During the third meeting, the European project partners finalized the first Intellectual Output, the MOOCs addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and VET trainers. In addition, the European project partners discussed about the contents to be produced for the second Intellectual Output, the Toolkits to be addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and VET trainers.


"Encounter with Greek Associated Partners" Transnational Conference

To present the Psych.E.In. project and to allow a transnational meeting between the contractual partners and the Greek associated partners of the project: this was the main objective of the conference entitled after "Encounter with Greek Associated Partners", organized on 26 November 2021n in the premises of the Institute of Group Analysis Athens. Further information is available here:

Focus Groups

Focus Groups

Three online Focus Groups were organized, each involving the target users, i.e. expert psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, as well as VET trainers in the field of psychology. The purpose of the Focus Gropus was to carry out an assessment of the produced MOOCs. A SWOT analysis was carried out to assess the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the produced MOOC.  The results of the SWOT analysis will be used to improve the produced MOOCs so as to make them fully consistent with the needs and expectations of the target groups.


Target Users' testing of the MOOCs

Target Users' testing of the MOOCs

The  MOOCs are currently being tested by the target users, i.e. expert psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, as well as VET trainers in the field of psychology,  representing the associated partners. Individual usernames and passwords were provided. Two online surveys were distributed to collect the target users assessments and feedbacks on each MOOC. Multiple-choice questionnaires were filled in,  integrated by an overall evaluation survey, and a unit by unit assessment. 23 experts from 7 different countries, including two from non-EU member were involved and provided relevant feedback that will be used to improve the produced outputs.


MOOCs' First Drafts

MOOCs' First Drafts

The draft versions of the 2 MOOCs on Early Psychological Intervention are now ready and will be soon checked: each partner will organize two audit groups, one for each of the 2 MOOCs, in order to check and validate the produced contents. Feedbacks resulting from the audits will be integrated in the final version of the MOOCs. In addition, a  specific e-learning platform is currently under construction: it will host the 2 MOOCs, allowing participants to develop their skills and knowledge in Psychological Early Intervention.


Psych.E.In. network

Psych.E.In. network

The Psych.E.In. network is increasing, as associated partners (non-formal VET psychological education agencies, VET institutions, NGOs with non-formal educational mission, social promotion associations, public bodies) decided to get involved in the project as they are interested in cooperating in the development of the project outputs, participating in the testing and providing feedback to improve their quality. In addition, associated partners joined the project to contribute to the improvement of its impact on the target groups and to ensure its sustainability in the long term. Associated partners are available at the following link:


Psych.E.In. at the EMDR Europe Association Board

Psych.E.In. at the EMDR Europe Association Board

EMDR Europe Association is an associated partner of the Psych.E.In. project. The EMDR Europe Association's Board meeting is held twice a year and gathers all the National Representatives of the 36 member National Associations of EMDR Europe. During the board held on 14 June 2021, Isabel Fernandez, President of EMDR Italy National Association and President of EMDR Europe, presented the Psych.E.In. project and its activities.


MOOCs on Psychological Early Intervention

MOOCs on Psychological Early Intervention

Partners of the Psych.E.In. project are currently working to the production of 2 Massive Open Online Courses, which will be designed so to provide psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in an emergency trans-theoretical prospective (target 1) as well as VET trainers of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts (target 2) with a flexible learning path and a consistent training tool so to improve their clinical know-how and competences in the psychological early intervention domain through interactive methods using videos, cases analysis, exercises, and peer evaluations.  


Second transnational meeting

Second transnational meeting

The second meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 26 and 27 April 2021. During the second meeting, the European project partners finalized the structure of the first Intellectual Output, the MOOCs to be addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts as well as to VET trainers of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. The templates for the production of MOOC’ contents have been finalized and approved.


First communication committee meeting

First communication committee meeting

The first communication committee meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 7 April 2021. During this meeting, project partners staff, involved in the communication process, have been discussing and approving the Communication Plan, designed in order to identify the channels and the tools to be used in order to guarantee a proper communication of project activities and results. The Communication Plan is available in the Download Area reserved to the partners.



Project brochure

Project brochure

The Psych.E.In. project brochure is now available. It contains some general information about: the project (funding programme, partnership, link to the website), the reference context, the aims and the intellectual outputs to be produced. The project brochure is available and downloadable at the following link:


New contractual partner

New contractual partner

A new contractual partner, University of Presov (SK), officially entered the Psych.E.In. consortium, substituting the previous Slovakian partner, Modrý anjel tím krízovej intervencie n.o. Thanks to the experience developed by its Institute of Psychology, University of Presov will be actively involved in the production of the 3 Intellectual Outputs of the Psych.E.In. project.


Second scientific committee meeting

Second scientific committee meeting

The second scientific committee meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 27 January 2021. During the second scientific committee meeting, the European project partners discussed about the progresses related to the production of the assigned modules within the 2 MOOCS. This meeting represented an interesting opportunity to exchange their knowledge about psychological early intervention and to define the next milestones for the production of the MOOCs contents.


First scientific committee meeting

First scientific committee meeting

The first scientific committee meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 18 December 2020. During the first scientific committee meeting, the European project partners finalized the redistribution of modules to be produced in the framework of 2 MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in an emergency trans-theoretical prospective as well as VET trainers of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts 


First transnational meeting

First transnational meeting

The kickoff meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 30 November and 1 December 2020. During the kickoff meeting, the European project partners introduced themselves as well as their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented, with a specific focus on the MOOCs to be addressed to psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts as well as to VET trainers of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts.



Psych.E.In. Project

Psych.E.In. Project

The Psych.E.In. project has been funded, by the European Commission through the Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of providing psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts with clinical competences in Psychological Early Intervention to support health and wellbeing of the victims of humanitarian emergencies. The project include, among the project results, two MOOCs – Massive Online Open Courses, two Toolkits addressed to VET teachers, and a Collection of Case Studies.