This project (2020-1-PL-KA202-082075) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Psych.E.In. Target Groups

    The project is addressed to:
  1. Psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts interested in developing knowledge, skills and competencies in Emergency Settings
  2. VET trainers in the field of psychology interested in being able to provide training on Psychological Early Intervention.

Psych.E.In. Outputs



  • The MOOCs aim to provide the target groups with relevant skills in the field of psychological early intervention.
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  • The Toolkits aim to provide the target groups with strategies for personal debriefing to prevent burn-out after psychological early interventions.
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Collection of Case Studies

  • The Collection of Case Studies identifies relevant literature and practices in the field of psychological early intervention.
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Psych.E.In. Partnership


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“ I was delighted to attend the first presentation (ME, 21/01/2023) of« Psych.E.In, a brave , all inclusive project that we really needed in order to develop a common approach to quickly intervene in recurring emergency crises across Europe. The division into the three sectors is very interesting. When faced with an emergency group situation, we need to focus on trained psychologists as well as on those in training; on coaches , social workers, teachers and trainers of psychologists i.e. people who work with people. Before we even think of the vast number of approaches to trauma , we must not forget that the cornerstone of helping those in need, traumatised adults and children, is learning to listen and hear empathically their suffering and loss. ”

Ellen G. Psychologue Clinicienne, Psychothérapeute/Superviseur EMDR, Thérapie Familiale, couple et enfant, Hypnose Ericksonienne, Sensori-moteur Psychotherapy
Ellen G.
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“ The structure of the course is well developed. It starts from a general overview of emergency psychology and its historical origins, deepening the subject gradually. It offers professionals who first approach this field a clear and comprehensive picture of the primary early psychological interventions and disaster management techniques. ”

Lucia F. Psychotherapist, EMDR consultant (Italy)
Lucia F.
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“ MOOC1 provides both theoretical and practical knowledge, which could serve as a strong base for further exploration and learning. The content is well organized and focuses on practical situations. Particularly, I enjoyed the examples of Good Practices that, along with the Tips and the Self-assessment test, keep learners engaged and motivated ”

Dragana G. Psychologist / psychotherapist, Therapeutic Community of the Open Psychotherapy Centre (Greece)
Dragana G.
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“ MOOC 1 is a good workshop to learn about early intervention in case of an earthquake, hurricane, terroristic attack, etc. It contains different information about biological stress factors, different stress therapies, and crisis management. It helps to understand how to deal with stress during a serious crisis. This knowledge can help to cope with difficult and unexpected situations and prevent developing PTSD or other disorders based on a traumatic event. ”

Karolina R. Psychotherapist, EMDR consultant (Poland)
Karolina R.
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“ With reference to MOOC 1, even if I knew already most of the materials, I found the presentations very interesting while the tips and the attachments are revelatory. With reference to MOOC2, I found a lot of interesting information, in particular about the Management Unit. ”

Dimitris L. Psychiatrist and group analyst, Freelance (Greece)
Dimitris L.


The Psych.E:In. project presented at European Federation of Psychologists' Associations


The Psych.E:In. project presented at European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

On 6 - 7 October 2023 Bessy Karagianni, recently appointed as representative of the Association of Greek Psychologists in the EFPA Task Force on Crisis, Disaster and trauma Psychology (EFPA: European Federation of Psychologists' Associations), had a presentation of the Psych.E.In. project during a delegates' meeting. Information about the project was also published on the EFPA Magazine.



“Psychological First Aid” Webinars


“Psychological First Aid” Webinars

EMDR Europe and EMDR Armenia, Psych.E.In. Associate partners, through the collaboration with Serena Zucchi from EMDR Italy, organized two webinars addressed to the colleagues of EMDR Armenia and to other emergency rescuers. Almost 300 participants attended the webinars entitled after “Psychological First Aid” on 22nd and 29th October 2023. Contents and tools of the webinars were extracted from the Psych.E.In project deliverables, the MOOCs and the Toolkits.


Psych.E.In. project recognized as Good Practice


Psych.E.In. project recognized as Good Practice

The Polish National Agency, in charge of the assessment and the evaluation of the Psych.E.In. project, recognized it as a Good Practice at European level. To be counted among the good practices by the National Agencies means contributing to the development of the programming of future calls and being taken as a model for the quality of the results pursued.

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