ARTIED Ltd is a Creativity and Educational Studio centred around the concept of Art Inspired Education. The company was established at the beginning of 2021. It is registered as a cultural organisation at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria (Reg # 105 (2163) /
08.04.2021) and is also a member of the Bulgarian Association for People Management.
Our believe is that “Art is meaning and helps us better understand ourselves, people and the world around us”. In the heart of our approach is education based on art appreciation.
The main activities, which we organise, are:
- Short individual and group creativity boosting sessions, in which we help learners to go out of routine and well-known patterns, to start to provoke themselves, to break with stereotypes, to take a critical look, to be innovative and to search new connections and associations beyond usual things. In doing this, we propose and step on different artistic and creative activities, including making collages or craft works, drawing and sketching, etc.
- Creative challenges named “I, the Non-Artist” and “Mindfulness 2 - Programme for stress symptoms reduction and dealing with burnout”, which aim is to help participants recharge their batteries and decrease the level of stress and tension through delving into the beautiful art world or in different crafts and creative recycling activities.
- Brief thematic art appreciation reviews – “Thematic voyages in art”, which allow everybody who feels overburdened and tired from ‘busy life’ and want to ‘take a breath’, to do so and to delve (at least for a while) into the world of art. In doing this, we work with different senses – listening to music, contemplating or talking about artworks or engaging in practical artistic activities. We also offer special art sessions for people with disabilities and/or dementia and have developed a methodology combining short art appreciation lecturettes and practical activities suitable for the target audience, with musical accompaniments, linked with the selected topic. This way, we help participants stay actively involved in the session, not be passive recipients of information.
- Thematic coaching and trainings on entrepreneurial skills in the field of artistic competences and personal development (presentation, sales and negotiation skills, project design, preparation and management, development of a CV and professional portfolio, preparation for a job interview, etc). Here, we support young and young-minded artists – painters, sculptors, designers, craftsmen and women, etc. and cultural workers to start as freelancers or to turn their artistic and creative ideas into own business endeavour.
- Work on different Erasmus+ projects: “T4T - Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings” (2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033654), which overall objective is to strengthen capacity of adult educators and training professionals to build and sustain effective group dynamics in digital education settings, so to better engage their online learners, “CURABILITY (CUltuRal AccessiBILITY)” (2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000030420), which aim is to help museums and art galleries have better understanding of the needs of people with disabilities as visitors and to implement necessary changes and improvements to the environment and attitudes, so improve their access to culture ; “SenGA - Seniors in Green Action – from Hands to Minds to Souls” (2022-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000085169), which aim is to open seniors to creative recycling and circular economy and to equip them with easy-to-apply activities to support their active aging and social inclusion; “COPE – Enabling Adult Educators to Cope with Aggressive Behaviour of Disadvantaged Learners” (2022-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000088918), which aim is to provide adult educators, trainers, social care institutions’ staff with effective methods for preventing, managing and reducing aggressive behaviour of people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities and building educators’ emotional resilience skills to ensure adult learners better participation in education and training, thus resulting in their better inclusion in all fields of life.