The Institute provides the training in Psychodrama-Sociotherapy which lasts four years and deals with the psychosociodynamic applications in therapy. The incorporation of the Therapeutic Community’s (T.C.) theory and that of the Psychodrama constitutes a new proposal for an integrated training for the
T.C.professionals and also for Psychodramatists. It operates with the collaboration of the Therapy Department and of the OPC and its theory and practice is based on Psychodrama, Therapeutic Community and Group Analysis. It is addressed both to mental health and other professionals working with groups, as in the fields of special education, prevention, rehabilitation, education, business, etc. The Institute is a member of FEPTO, NOPG and an Accredited Training Institute by the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).
Training includes:
• Personal Therapy in a mixed Group-analytic Psychodrama Group and/or Group Analytic Group.
• Intensive Theoretical Seminars.
• Clinical Practice in a suitable psychotherapeutic enviroment, throughout the training period.
• Supervision of the students therapeutic activities.
• Active participation in the communal activities of training: Sensitivity Group, Symposia, Intertraining Sessions and Organising Activities.
• Research and writing experience: two short paper (2nd and 3rd year) and
• Diploma Dissertation.